3. Platz bei den Österr. Seniorenmeisterschaften für URW
Gespeichert von Marian Gratzer am Mo, 2023-11-20 23:27
Nachdem die üblichen Medaillienlieferanten, Boni und Roland, leider ausfielen (gute Besserung an der Stelle!), sprangen Lal und Ajay in die Presche und sicherten sich Edelmetall. Gratuliere!
Lagebericht von Lal:
With all zeal and zest, 5 seniors i.e. Roland, Ajay,Christian ,Thomas and Lal from URW participated in this Oesterr. Meisterschaften der Senioren 2023 held during 18-19th Nov.. All showed up their best games against the senior champions from across Osterreich in their respective age event groups (HE60, HD60, HD55 and HD35).
Ajay and Lal won Bronze in HD35 category in their first ever championship outing.
Christian Maryska showed a great spirit in 3 setters' close games in his first round exit of HE60 and HD60 .
Whereas Roland along with Thomas were leading their round 1 to 2nd seaded 12-9 in first set before an unfortunate injury to Roland led to a walk over.
Great event show was hosted by the YBBS organizing team with delicious Austrian dishes at dinner and a serene view at the electrifying venue.
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