1st Prize again for URW- Same Position, Same Place & Same Weekend !

It was a great weekend for URW, where they proved their brilliance in badminton two days in a row by securing 1st positions on the podium consicutively in the weekend tournaments.

Alla & Medhavi played doubles in Mostviertel Cup Amstetten and were able to secure 1st position. 


Two 1st prizes for URW at Small-Five Tournament!

URW’s presence was strongly felt at the Small Five Tournament that took place on Saturday 18 March in Amstetten!
A great start for the new URW member, Michela, who smashed 1st place in her first ever singles tournament!
A big congratulation also to Ray, who together with Reka, snatched the first podium of the mixed tournament!

URW at the 1st Elite Tournament in Pressbaum

In Mens Singles, Marian managed to score a fantastic 7th place by winning 2 of the 4 matches that he played. He won an exciting and a close match against a star youngster from Upper Austria to make it to the top 8 and modelled an excellent example of patience and mental strength. Himanshu on the other hand had to satisfy with the 24th place in his first Elite Tournament with no wins but a lucky walkover in one of his games.

Wir gratulieren URW 4!

Hurraaaa! URW 4 punktet gegen ASKÖ Racketsport Vösendorf 2  5:3!

Am Donnerstag, den 2. März, spielte URW 4 im Medwedweg das letzte Match der Saison. Es war ein knapper dafür aber wunderbarer Sieg in der 4. Liga.

2nd League: Congratulation to team URW2 !

It took a little bit of time, but team URW2 came back strong by tasting their first win against FSPV ErsteBank1 by  6:2 in the new year session of Vienna Badminton league 2.

5. WBV-NachwuchsTurnier

Endlich durften Michi, Melanie und Alen ihr erstes Turnier bestreiten.

Gecoacht von Trainerin Sabina gelangen sogar schon ein paar Siege!

Danke an Lukas Weber von Simmering für die Organisation!


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