Sieg beim 2. WBV - Einzel Turnier
Am 08.10 fand die erste WBV-Einzel-Turnier der 23/24 Saison statt. Spitzenleistung war der Titel in Herreneinzel B für Tuan! Bei seinem vierten Start konnte er den Wettbewerb ohne Satzverlust gewinnen. URW konnte auch weitere Podestplätze erreichen: Marian belegte im Herreneinzel A nach einem harten 3-Satz-Finale den 2. Platz und Akarawit schaffte im Herreneinzel B den 3. Platz hinter Vereinskolleg Tuan. In einem engen Wettkampf war Catherine im Dameneinzel A sehr nahe an einem Podestplatz dran und verpasste diesen nur aufgrund der Anzahl der gewonnenen Sätze.
In Herreneinzel A kamen insgesamt vier von den acht Viertelfinalisten aus URW: neben Marian erreichte Lalropuia einen 5., und nicht nur Himanshu sondern auch Leon die 7te Plätze, ein erfolgreiches erstes Turnier in den Farben der URW. Weitere URW-Teilnehmer waren Jordan auf Platz 13, Ray auf Platz 19 und James auf Platz 29.
Report in English by Tuan:
Let’s dive right into the highlights of last weekend 2. WBV Tournament, where our very own URW club members made us proud.
In Men's Singles A, With almost 40 players participating, the competition was as fierce as a summer heatwave. The seven courts were bustling with activity, and the waiting time was longer than a Monday morning. But hey, who’s complaining? More time to strategize! Our players did not let that affect their focus and determination.
Our club president, Marian, showed us all how it’s done by bagging the silver medal. He won all four matches in straight games before only losing to Benedikt Mais in a nail-biting three-game showdown. And he did all this while not being in 100% condition and without his ideal racket. Talk about dedication! Good job, Mr. President!
Eight players from URW participated, leading to many internal URW matches. Our players held their own, with Lalropuia, Markus, Leon, and Himanshu sharing 5th to 8th places. Jordan ended up 13th, Ray 19th and James 29th. Well done, team!
In Women's Doubles A, our very own Cathi ended up in 4th place despite winning a match. It's worth to mention that the 2nd and 3rd places also won only a match. Unfortunately, she didn’t have enough points to climb higher.
In an exciting turn of Men's Singles B events, Tuan and Akarawit battled it out for the top three spots. Tuan clinched the gold medal, finally achieving his dream before moving to Men’s Singles A. Akarawit bagged a bronze medal - not bad for a first-timer!
So there you have it folks! A weekend full of smashes and saves, victories and valuable lessons. Here’s to more such weekends and remember - keep smashing those aces!
Before we sign off, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the WBH club - Fabian Schön and Marlies Jolly for organizing this event.
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